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Introducing #weeklyjollies!

Some time ago I’ve thrown out a question WHAT is the thing you want to see more on our social media. There was quite a couple of different answers, but main were: more of our YouTube videos (more about that next time) and more of our daily life! Weekly jollies for now will be blog posts with little galleries of everything we get up to in a week. I will try to be posting every single week, but no promises! It’s also a way to make me take more pictures daily and focus on storytelling. Hoping to soon develop it into weekly stories or something similar, but first of all I’d like you guys to have an opportunity to look into our everyday life.

SO! I didn’t have a promising start as I forgot to take even a single picture in a couple of days this week, but here’s our first week of 2018! Started it in style. Seaside, hiking, our magical Ljubljana in the lights, taking Kekec (Keki – the cat) out for walks again, and of course, friends we almost can’t go a day without.  Oh, agility pictures missing!



Never waste a day in your life.


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